
What is Autopilot?

Activate our free Autopilot service and we’ll monitor the energy markets for a better electric supply rate than your current plan. When we find one, we’ll automatically secure it on your behalf and notify you so you can review the details. If you don’t opt-out, you’ll see your new fixed-rate on your utility bill within 1-2 billing cycles. There are no hidden fees and there is no interruption to your reliable utility service. If you'd rather be more hands on, simply leave Autopilot off - we’ll still notify you when we find a better rate, but we won't request the new rate until you approve it.

What happens if I opt-out of Autopilot?

At Arbor, we believe in providing our customers with transparency and choice. If you turn off Autopilot, instead of automatically securing a better rate when we find one, we will just notify you that a better rate is available. As the market for rates is ever-changing, it is advisable to act promptly upon receiving information about a rate that you deem favorable. We will be here to help you every step of the way.

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100% free. No service interruptions. No commitments.